Monday, February 27, 2017

Kim Jong Jin speaks groundbreaking labor administration of South Korean capital

 On Feb. 14, KIM JONG JIN, research fellow of Korean Labor and Society Institute, spoke at a symposium titled, “New challenge of labor policy, labor administration of a city: Seoul,” at Ryukoku University in Kyoto City. Approximately 40 people including researchers, lawyers and union officials participated in the day of lectures and question-and-answer sessions, in which almost whole of Seoul City's revolutionary labor administration was revealed. The participants who heard about it for the first time appeared considerably shocked. Since taking office in October 2011, Park Won Soon, mayor of Seoul, has implemented ordinance one after another, such as direct employment of the non-regular workers in the public sector, converting non-regular status to a permanent one, labor rights advocacy, living wage (a guaranteed living wage that is higher than the minimum wage), emotional labor, and worker management (director) participation. From April this year, a 40-hour work week will be tested out with an aim to implement it in 2020. It will be implemented if concerned labor unions such as Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) and Federation of Korean Trade Unions (FKTU) reach an agreement after half a year of discussion. (By SHIRAISHI Takashi)



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