Sunday, July 5, 2015

Dispatch workers protest revision of Worker Dispatch Law

On June 19th, some 10 dispatched workers and I attended the debate on the revision of the worker dispatch law held by the Lower House plenary and committee on health, welfare and labor. Prime Minister Abe was answering questions at the Committee; “The society now needs diverse ways of working,” he said. “We need to support the transfer from irregular jobs to regular jobs and improve the working conditions of those who chose to be dispatched workers.” I thought his answer was empty talk, disconnected from the reality of casual work. Temp workers engaged in the 26 jobs designated as “requiring specialized skills” would now have to find a new job every 3 years. One of these workers was at a loss “I don’t know what to do.” At the plenary, I was scared as I listened to the approving speeches from the ruling party members. There was no logic. They just rammed down the opposition by the force of numbers, saying “We have already deliberated more than 30 hours.” 
At the news conference, the dispatched workers  protesting the passage of the revision were in tears. (IBUSUKI Shouichi)
Photo:Voting scene of the committee on health, welfare and labor

619日、派遣労働者10名弱と共に、衆院厚労委員会と本会議を傍聴してきました。厚労委員会での、安倍総理の答弁は、「時代は多様な働き方を求めてい る。正社員化への支援を行い、派遣を選ぶ人には待遇の改善を進める。」という実態をまったく無視した空理空論で、むなしい限りでした。専門26業種の派遣の方は、「これからどうすれば・・・。」と途方に暮れていました。本会議で、自民、公明の勝ち誇ったかのような賛成演説を聞き、空恐ろしい感じさえしまし た。道理も、理屈もなく、ただ数の力でごり押しする。反対意見には耳を傾けず、「30時間以上審議した」ことだけを振りかざす。その後の記者会見で、派遣労働者のみなさんは、泣きながら、もしくは、心底から怒って、法案可決に抗議していました。(指宿昭一)

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