Friday, October 24, 2014

Stop exploitation of working students! Campaign against evil companies employing student part-timers kicked off

“I am asked to take part in more shifts even during exam periods.” “They force us to buy dead stocks.” “I have not been paid for several months.” “I was demanded to compensated for the loss caused by my mistake.” “Upon leaving, I was told to pay the cost for advertisement to recruit the successor.” - 'Evil companies' was a topic much discussed in media and in the society in general last year. Many university and high school students working part-time to earn tuition and/or living are also faced with various abuses by the employers. They are forced to accept unlawful working conditions and often fall ill physically and/or mentally as a result. Now, it's time for conscientious citizens to raise voice against such evil employers and corner them with public opinion and movement. We have launched a campaign against exploitative employers of working students. During the campaign scheduled to last until December, we will carry out research on the situations of and offer consultations to students victimized by evil employers. We aim to reveal what those evil companies do to students and put them under severe criticism from media and the general public.   (Excerpt of Call for Action by the campaign organizers)    

「テスト期間中なのに、『がんばってシフトに入って く れ』と言われる」「売れ残りの商品を買わされる」「バイト代 が数ヶ月払われていない」「仕事のミスを理由に損害賠償を請求された」「辞めたいと言ったら『求人広告費を払え』と言われた」。昨年、 「ブラック企業」が社会問題化したことに続いて、大学生・高校生に違法な働かせ方 を強要し、使い潰す「ブラックバイト」が社会問題になっています。今こそ「ブラックバイト」が横行する現状に声をあげ、世論と運動で包囲 することが求められています。私たちは、20149月~12月を「全国ブラックバイ ト告発キャンペーン」期間として、全国的な実態調査、労働相談活動をおこない、「ブラックバイト」の実態を告発し、社会的に包囲する運動 をつくっていきたいと思います。(呼びかけより) 全文キャンペーンHP

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