Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Meeting of Mothers and Female Teachers Reveal Harsh Working Conditions at Schools in Fukushima

The 38th Meeting of Mothers, Female Teachers and School Workers of Fukushima was held on 29 September in the city of Koriyama. Some 200 attended in the meeting organized by the Fukushima Prefectural Teachers Union. Since the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster of March 2011, school workers in Fukushima have been struggling under harsh working conditions: They are victims of the disaster themselves, but required to fulfill greater responsibilities for protecting children. The situation is harder for female teachers and school staff than for male counterparts. More than two thirds of the time spent for the meeting was allocated to group discussions where attendees were divided into 5 groups of different discussion topics. The discussions reflected difficulties that attendees face in their respective work places. (By YUMOTO Masanori)  YouTubeVideo (no subtitles)


を費やしすすめられ、討論には現場の生の姿が投影された。  (湯本 雅典)  