Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Foreign residents in Japan outraged by more restrictive revised Immigration Control Act


 Many demonstrations were carried out against the more restrictive revised Immigration Control Act and Act of the Basic Resident Registers, which were put into effect on July 9, 2012. The demonstrations were joined by many foreign residents who are affected by the revised laws. On that day, the Provisional Release Association in Japan (PRAJ), which was formed by undocumented residents on temporary release, refugee applicants and Japanese supporters of them, held a rally and a march near Hibiya Park in central Tokyo, joined by more than 200, mostly foreign residents (photo). They protested the thorough exclusion and marginalization from society and demanded Japan’s Ministry of Justice to reconsider its policies focusing on detaining undocumented residents and grant special residence permission to them. (NISHINAKA Seiichiro)


2009 年に改定成立した「出入国管理法」と「住民基本台帳法」が、先日7月9日に施行され、その内容に反対する集会や、新制度から排除される在日外国人当事者の 抗議デモが相次いで行われた。9日には、「仮放免中」の非正規滞在者や難民申請者と、日本人支援者が2010年に結成した「仮放免者の会」による集会とデ モが日比谷公園周辺で行われた。200人を超えるデモ参加者があり(写真)、外国人当事者が180人近くに上った。一行は今回の入管法の改定で徹底排除さ れ「社会から見えなくなる」存在にさせられることに抗議して、収容政策の見直しや、在留特別許可を求めて法務省に申し入れを行った。(西中誠一郎) 

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