Friday, August 12, 2011

Let's Demand the Government a Total Halt of Nuke Plants: Action Week for Denuclearization Called in September

The planning committee for "Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants: Actions by Ten Million People" issued an appeal on July 28 for participation in the Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants Action Week. The action week, planned for September 11-19, is to commemorate the sixth-month time since the Great East Japan Earthquake and the disaster of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. In the appeal, the committee urges people's organizations working in citizen's rights, environment protection and labor issues to show their determinations to build the society free of nuclear power plants and demand the government to suspend the operation of nuclear power plants, take countermeasures against the radiation, and choose renewable energies for central sources of power, by organizing various events including rallies, parades, lectures and seminars. In Tokyo, two events have so far been planned for the week, i.e. the Be-in Tokyo 9.11 to be held in the Meiji Koen Park on September 11 and the Ten Million People's Action Parade also to be held in the Meiji Koen Park on September 19. The Goodbye to Nuclear Power Plants Ten Million Signatures, the signature campaign to achieve denuclearization and build a society that is powered mainly with natural energies, has also been kicked off. (M) Ten Million People's Action Web site


7月28日「さようなら原発1000万人アクション」実行委員会が、「9月脱原発アクションウィーク」を呼びかけました。東日本大震災と福島原発事故から6ヵ月目の9月11日から19日にかけて、多くの市民団体・環境団体・労働団体などがいっせいに「脱原発」の声をあげ、政府に原発の再稼働停止・放射能対策・自然エネルギーへの転換を迫ろうというものです。実行委員会では、この期間を脱原発アクションウィークとして、全国各地で集会やパレード、講演会やセミナーなど、さまざまなイベントに取り組むことを呼びかけています。東京では、9/11 Be-in東京911(明治公園)・9/19 脱原発1000万人アクションパレード(明治公園)などが決まっています。また「脱原発を実現し、自然エネルギー中心の社会を求める全国署名」(脱原発1000万人署名)も本格的にスタートしました。(M) ・1000万人アクションサイト

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