Tuesday, December 7, 2010

“Down with APEC!” Bravely protesting despite 21,000 policemen

The “No! APEC Yokohama People’s Forum” held a street appeal and a demonstration in Yokohama in the afternoon of November 13, 2010 against the summit. The rally began at a square in front of Sakuragicho Railway Station from 13:30 and the march started an hour later. Despite 21,000 policemen, approximately 500 demonstrators reached as close as possible to the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) site, chanting such slogans as “Down with APEC!” and “Give the world back to the people” in any way they wanted. They completed the two-hour march bravely. (Y) Mkimpo Photo Gallery. AFP (Obama puppet to the world). Video (Kanagawa Shimbun)

 APECに反対して現地横浜で開催されている「いらない!APEC 横浜民衆フォーラム」が11月13日午後、街頭アピールとデモ行進を行なった。1時30分から桜木町駅前広場で集会を開催し、2時30分きっかりにデモに出発した。約500人の参加者は、「APECは失敗しろ!」「世界を民衆の手に取り戻せ」などと訴えながら、思い思いのパフォーマンスを繰り広げ、警備陣21000人の厳戒態勢に屈せず、会場の最短地点まで肉薄。約2時間の道のりを最後まで果敢に歩きとおした。(Y) ・ムキンポ写真館動画(神奈川新聞)

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