Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hibiya Park Tent City Swells to 250 people. Organizations from Across the Board Volunteer to Help.

Some 130 jobless people, recently laid-off temp workers from Sharp Corporation and Yamaha, gathered to spend the New Year encamped at Hibiya Park “tent city” from December 31. There were some who literally did not have a cent to their name. After hearing about the tent city through the media, approximately 360 volunteers came to help and donated a mountain of goods. The traditional New Year’s dish of soba noodles with rice cake was given out for the evening meal (see photo). Many trade unions also turned out to volunteer their help. One trade unionist said: “Rengo, Zenroren and Zenrokyo have all turned out. We’ve all come together with one intention and that is that we have to do something. I hope this will be the beginning of a new movement.” On the nights of January 3rd and 4th, the videos “I want a normal job” and a three-minute recording from the Labor Fiesta respectively were shown in the Dialogue Tent. The number of campers continued to increase and at the time of writing this report (January 1st), had already swelled to over 250 people. NB: The Tent City eventually grew to more than 500 participants over the next few days. Click link to see video of the opening of the camp. Volunteers’ opinions available on UnionTube.


12月31日から東京・日比谷公園に開設された「年越し派遣村」には、シャープ亀山工場やヤマハから派遣切りされた労働者など、130人が入村した。所持金がゼロの人もいた。報道で知って駆けつけたボランティアは360人に達し、カンパ物資が山のように積まれた。夜の炊きだしは、餅入りそばが振るまわれた(写真)。労組のボランティアも多数集まった。ある組合活動家は「連合も全労連も全労協も来ている。なんとかしなくてはという思いで一緒だ。新しい運動が始まるといい」と語った。また3日夜に「フツーの仕事がしたい」、4日夜にはレイバーフェスタ3分ビデオが交流テントで上映される。その後、入村者は増え続け1日現在で250人をこえた。追伸:さらに数日後派遣村の入村者が500人をを超えた。 ・開村式(動画)ボランティアの声(UnionTube)

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